Felix Laevsky,

Biofeedback specialist

Breathing educator

For sufferers from war in Ukraine

During training Felix is sharing his more than 25 years’ experience of using breathing techniques, including Buteyko breathing technique.

Basic breathing techniques may help to control emotional symptoms such as worries, bad mood and thoughts, nervousness, may help to relax mind and body. Techniques also may help with sleep and concentration.

Individual consultations and group training    Free of charge

Here is what attendees of groups said about training

Я очень расстроена и переживaю в связи с случившимися трагическими событиями в Украине. Эти события очень меня потрясли, что сказалось на моем моральном и физическом состоянии, таком как стресс, бессонница, повышенное артериальное давление.
После прохождения курса дыхательных упражнений я почувствовала значительное улучшение моего состояния.
Регулярные дыхательные упражнения значительно повлияли на мое отношение и реакцию на стресс, уменьшились головные боли, начал восстанавливаться сон.
Я очень рекомендую пройти курс дыхательных упражнений всем у кого возникли подобные проблемы в связи с положением в Украине.



Breathing techniques help me with my anxiety and stress level during this unprecedented time during the war in Ukraine. Also, it helps me to lower my blood pressure, it really helps!

Ella F.


I recently took classes with Felix on breathing techniques for relaxation and I found the exercises to be easy to remember. They have proven very beneficial for falling asleep. I hope to continue to use these exercises to help with the tension and pain that I seem to carry in my back.



My name is Mila and I attended classes for breathing relaxation by Felix. I am very affected by situation in World and specially by war in Ukraine emotionally and was looking for help. Felix gave us knowledge and techniques, which we could use to control our emotions, anxiety and deal with stress.